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Seventh Step:

Overcome I'ness - the Ultimate Ailment:

(The word ‘Haumai’ is the combination of two words of Punjabi language ‘Haun’ and ‘Mai’ literally meaning ‘we’ and ‘I’ respectively. I'ness can be explained as one's sense of his separateness from the creation of the Almighty and the Almighty Himself. It is the feeling of one's independent existence of his own self. This thought is merely an illusion of one's mind. It is the concept of duality which a person harbours considering his own existence as distinct from that of The Almighty.  Thus mere self-consciousness itself is termed as ‘Haumai’.  It must not be confused with ‘ego’ or ‘Ahankaar’ which is only a crude & worldly expression of the feeling of one's superiority over other human beings or other forms of nature on account of his better abilities or worldly possessionsThus I’ness is much finer and deeper feeling than ego.)

Slok M. 1 (Guru Nanak Dev Ji):
In I'ness, (one) arrives (in this world), in I'ness, (he) departs. 
In I'ness, (one is) born, in I'ness (he) dies.
In I'ness (one) gives, in I'ness (one) takes. 
In I'ness (one) earns, in I'ness (one) loses. 
In I'ness (one is considered) true (or) false. 
In I'ness (is) consideration (of his) sins (&) punyas. 
In I'ness (one) wanders (in) hell (or) heaven.
In I'ness (one) laughs, in I'ness (he) cries.
In I'ness (one gets) soiled, in I'ness (he) washes. 
In I'ness (one gets) lost (in) caste (&) creed. 
In I'ness (is one considered foolish), in I'ness (is he considered) intelligent. 
(But he) understands not (the) essence of salvation (or) freeom. 
In I'ness (one runs after the) mammon, in I'ness (he continues to remain under its) influence.
(Due to) repeated acts (of) I'ness (one is again and again) brought (to) life.
(If one) understands (the) I'ness, then (he) finds (the) door (of salvation). 
Bereft (of this) knowledge (one) engages (and gets wasted in) irrelevant talk. 
Nanak (says the Almighty) Ordainer writes (such) rules (which are conducive in creating suitable environment for each individual). 
(In accordance with the) same, (one's intention of) interaction (with the said surroundings creates his) personality appropriately. ||1||
Mahla 2 (Guru Angad Dev Ji):
Nature (of) I'ness is such (that it) enables acts (which strengthen) I'ness. 
These (acts are the) chain (of) I'ness. (which) beget repeated cycles (of) rebirth. 
(The question is) how (does) I'ness sprout (and) what (are the) means (to) vanquish it. 
This (illusion of) I'ness (too) is (the) ordain (of Almighty, leading to) engagements earned (through) acts (of I'ness). 
I'ness is (a) critical ailment, (its) medicine too (can be found from) within (one's) own (self). 
If (Almighty) showers His grace, then (one) acts (in accordance with the) word of Guru.
Nanak says listen (O) people, (by) this measure (can the) ills (of I'ness be) overcome. ||2||
Pauri (Guru Nanak Dev Ji):
(Those mentally) contented have (truly) served,
Who ruminate (the) Truest (of the) True (Almighty). 
They haven't stepped (on the path of) wrong (deeds),
Doing (good) deeds, (they have) walked (on the path of)  spirituality.
They (have) broken (the) shackles (of) worldly (life),
(Have been) frugal (in) consuming food (and) water. 
"You (are the) greatest Giver, 
Everyday give (grants and) grow (still) greater". 
(By) praising (Him in this manner, such contented persons have)
realized (the) Greatest (Almighty). || 7 ||

(The concept of ‘I’ness’ in Sikh philosophy can be best explained by the examples of ignorance & knowledge or darkness & light.  The former, in each case, has only conceptual existence in conflict with the later.  The appearance of later, which is substantive, is sufficient not only to remove but also to prove the non-existence of former.  Peculiarity of both is that they cannot co-exist.  Similar is the case of I’ness.  It is the only element that can be said to be closest to being in opposition to Almighty.  In absence of God-realization, sense of I’ness is something that develops automatically.  Acquisition of worldly knowledge strengthens it.  It can’t be wished away.  It has to be understood and overcome.  It has to be confronted with the weapon of Almighty’s Name.  This has to be done effortlessly giving credit of success / all happenings to Almighty.  The state of I’lessness can be described as one of effervescence of Almighty within one’s own self.)

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