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Fourth Step:

Through Almighty's grace, one gets to meet a Guru who alone can enable realization of ultimate Truth of life.

Slok M 1 (Guru Nanak Dev Ji):
Under fear (of Almighty's regulation) blows (the) wind forever. 
Under fear (of Almighty's regulation) flow millions (of) rivers. 
Under fear (of Almighty's regulation) fire performs service. 
Under fear (of Almighty's regulation) Earth suffers (the) weight (on it). 
Under fear (of Almighty's regulation) Indra* wanders (with) weight (on his) head. 
(* Indra is the Hindu mythological god of rain.)
Under fear (of Almighty's regulation is the) door (to or court of) Lord (of) Justice.
Under fear (of Almighty's regulation functions the) Sun (and) under fear (of Almighty's regulation functions the) Moon.
Moving billions (of units of) distance, (they find) no end (to their journey).
Under fear (of Almighty's regulation are the) saints, intelligentsia, deities (&) owners.
Under fear (of Almighty's regulation is the) widespread sky.
Under fear (of Almighty's regulation are the) valorous strong warriors. 
Under fear (of Almighty's regulation is) everything (that gets) created (and) destroyed. 
(The) fear (of Almighty's regulation is) written (in the) fate (of) entire creation. 
Nanak (says only) One True Formless (Almighty is truly) Fearless. 

M. 1 (Guru Nanak Dev Ji):
Nanak (says compared to) fearless Formless (Almighty), others (like great) Rama (are) equivalent (to) dust. 
Several narratives (of) Krishna (and) several discussions (of) Vedas (are of no avail in realization of Almighty).
Several (who are) desirous (of such path), dance (to tunes of others and) make repeated endearing pleadings.
Dramatists coming (to the) market (to) carry (out the) enactment (of) drama.
(They) sing (and dressed as) kings (and) queens, debate (topics of) serious import. 
(They wear) earrings (costing) millions of rupees (and) garlands (costing) millions of rupees. 
Nanak (says) bodies (on) which (they are) adorned, (instead of getting enlightened,) such bodies (too ultimately) turn (to) ash.
(Mere) talk doesn't lead (to) enlightenment, explaining (the path is) virtually impossible. 
Attainment (happens) through shower (of Almighty's) grace, (attempt through) other effort (or) intellect (is totally) waste. ||2||

Pauri (Guru Nanak Dev Ji):
If (Almighty) showers His blessings, then Blessor true-Guru (is) found. 
This (human) soul (has) roamed (through) many lives, now true-Guru (has) explained (the revealing) Word. 
(There is) no giver equal (to the) true-Guru, each (and) every person (must) listen. 
Meeting (the) true-Guru, Truth (is) realized, (by those) who banish (the thought of) self (from) within. 
(This achievement is of those to) whom (the secret of) Truest True (Almighty has been) revealed (by Guru).  || 4 ||

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