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Second Step:

Understand the true import of this great game of worldly enactment being played out.

Slok M 1 (Guru Nanak Dev ji) 
True (are) your lands (and) true (is your) creation. 
True (are) your worlds (and) true (are all) shapes. 
True (is) your deed (and) all (your) thought. 
True (is) your kingship (and) true (is your)  court.
True (is) your ordain (and) true (is your) order. 
True (is) your blessing (and) true (is your) symbol. 
True (are those who) speak (of) you (and their number is in) millions (and) billions. 
All true (ones draw) power (from you and) all true (ones are under your) control. 
True (is) your praise (and) true (is) discussion (about you). 
True (is) your (entire) creation, (O) true Lord.
Nanak (says) true (are those who) ruminate (the Name of the) True (Almighty). 
Those (who are trapped in cycle of) death (and) rebirth, they (are) truly raw. ||1||

M. 1 (Guru Nanak Dev Ji): 
Great (is the) praise (of one) whose Name (is) great. 
Great (is the) praise (of one) whose justice (is) true. 
Great (is the) praise (of one) whose seat (is) unmovable.
Great (is the) praise (of one) who knows (the) pleadings. 
Great (is the) praise (of one who) knows everyone's desires. 
Great (is the) praise (of one) who doesn't (have to) ask (before granting) boons.
Great (is the) praise (of one) who Himself (is all in) all. 
Nanak (says His) deed (of creating this world) cannot be (fully) explained. 
(The) creations created (are) all (as per His own) wish.||2||

Slok Mahla 2 (Guru Angad Dev Ji):
This (entire) creation is cottage of (the) True (Almighty)  and the True (Almighty Himself) resides in it. 
(To) one (He) ordains getting subsumed (within Himself and to) one (He) ordains being gutted (in the creation itself). 
(To) one (He) desires being extricated (and) one (is made to) reside engulfed (in) mammon. 
Even this (fact) can not (be) stated that who (is the fortunate to) be salvaged. 
Nanak (says) consider (one Guru's true) follower for whom (the Almighty) Himself lights (the) path. ||3||

Pauri (Guru Nanak Dev Ji):
Nanak (says) having created (human) beings, (You have) installed (the righteous) judge (to) record (their) deeds.
Therein decisions (are taken only on) truly true acts,
Selected (and) separated are (the) wrongdoers.
(The) false get no space (there),
(With) blackened faces (they) departs (for) hell.
(Those who are) Imbued (with the colour of) Your Name, They are successful. 
Losers are those (who resort to) thuggery. 
(To) record (their) deeds (is the righteous) judge installed. || 2 ||

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